Re-Introducing Our Admitted Program Through Benchmark Insurance Company

Rated A (Excellent) by AM Best

At Swyfft, we’re constantly evolving to ensure we bring agents and customers the best solutions to our industry’s ever-changing market. And with that, comes a transition for our Admitted Homeowners product from Clear Blue Insurance Company over to Benchmark Insurance Company. As you know, Swyfft has written this program simultaneously with the Clear Blue program for several years. 

This Means: 

In accordance with your State’s guidelines, Swyfft will soon begin replacing all Clear Blue Insurance policies through Benchmark Insurance Company for the following:

  • Renewals effective starting July 1.
  • All new business quotes after 6/1/2023. 
    (All Clear Blue quotes will expire on 6/30/2023.)

Note: As Swyfft makes its carrier move to Benchmark Insurance Company, we want to clarify that Clear Blue Insurance and Swyfft’s contractual arrangements are being allowed to expire on a consensual basis. Clear Blue remains a strongly rated and financially healthy carrier.

It’s Swyfft. So you know we’ve made the process easy.

What to Expect:

No action is required from you. We’ll be taking care of the transition behind the scenes.

Upon your customers Clear Blue policy expiration:

  • Your policy holder will be mailed a notice of the nonrenewal.
  • You and your policy holder will receive an email with their Benchmark replacement policy and invoice attached.

That’s it. No shopping around and no new UW rules.

The Benefits: 

  • Our underwriting guidelines remain unchanged in the Benchmark program compared to the Clear Blue program. Refer to our Quick Guides page on the ARC to learn more.
  • There is no change to our claims handling. Meaning the process will stay the same for Benchmark as it was under Clear Blue.
  • Benchmark has a strong reinsurance program – which is placed with highly rated reinsurers throughout the world. 

The future is bright. Stand by for even more exciting news to come. 

For any questions, please contact your Sales Rep directly or email us at [email protected].

– Team Swyfft